Citation - Verma R, Shivadeva M, Bhupal, Veluswamy SK. Looking Beyond the Obvious: Role of Non-invasive Electroanalgesia in Management of Cancer Pain. Indian Journal of Cancer. In Press.
Citation - Gururaj R, Bhupal DP, Verma R, Veluswamy SK. Non-surgical interventions for the prevention and treatment of radiation-induced fibrosis and its associated disability in patients with head and neck cancer: an ICF framework-based review. PROSPERO 2019. CRD42019132046.
Citation - Samuel SR, Veluswamy SK, Maiya AG, Fernandes DJ, McNeely ML, Exercise-based interventions for cancer survivors in India: A systematic review. Springerplus. 2015 4 (1), 1-16 JCR IF: 0.982.
Citation - Samuel SR, Veluswamy SK, Maiya AG, Fernandes DJ. Physical therapy based exercise interventions for cancer survivors in India: A systematic review. Support Care Cancer. 2014;22(6)
Citation - Samuel SR, Maiya GA, Babu AS, Vidyasagar MS. Effect of exercise training on functional capacity & quality of life in head & neck cancer patients receiving chemoradiotherapy. Indian J Med Res. 2013 Mar;137(3):515-20. PubMed PMID: 23640558; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3705659.